English Zone - Phonics & Reading, Writing, Spelling and Oracy
Welcome to the English Zone!
At Cherry Tree Hill Primary school, we aim to develop in the children we teach an enthusiasm for English in all its forms and the confidence to express themselves both orally and through the written word.
English is taught through our current topic and based around a quality text or film, wherever possible, cross-curricular links are made with English through thematic plans. All lessons follow the National Curriculum for English.
In studying English, our children develop skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening enabling them to express themselves creatively and imaginatively and to communicate with others effectively. Children are taught in mixed ability groups through a mastery approach for Reading, Writing and SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) and ability groups for phonics.
For more information on what the English National Curriculum Programme of Study entails, please click here:
For more information on how we teach the specific elements of each subject please click here:
Check out some of the great things we have been doing in the English Zone across school!

To read our school policy, click here: