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Cherry Tree Hill Primary School

Cherry Tree Hill Primary School

Be Safe, Be Caring, Be a Learner

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Headteacher's Welcome


On behalf of the children, staff, trustees and governors, I would like to welcome you to Cherry Tree Hill Primary School. We hope you find our website clear, informative and easy to navigate. It is designed to give you a flavour of the vibrant life of our school, the work of our pupils and the quality education we strive to deliver.


Our school is a large primary, set in spacious grounds two miles from Derby City Centre. Visitors to our school comment positively on our facilities and the stimulating environment. They describe our atmosphere as respectful and nurturing. and you know what? It is!


Being the Headteacher of Cherry Tree Hill Primary School continues to give me great pleasure. I am fully committed to the community of Cherry Tree Hill Primary School and strive to ensure that the school serves our local children and their families well. I am proud to welcome you to our school and I look forward to welcoming you to our community.


 Mr Paul Appleton B.Ed Hons NPQH NPQEL

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Cherry Tree Hill Primary School

Cherry Tree Hill Primary School

‘ Be Safe, Be Caring, Be a Learner ‘

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