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Cherry Tree Hill Primary School

Cherry Tree Hill Primary School

Be Safe, Be Caring, Be a Learner

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Science is all around us and it helps us understand how the world works. At Cherry Tree Hill Primary School, we study science to learn more about the world we live in. In the 2014 National Curriculum in England, science is divided into three main categories: biology, physics, and chemistry.
Biology is the study of living things such as animals, plants, and humans. It helps us understand how living things grow and change, how they interact with each other, and how they adapt to their environment. For example, studying biology can help us understand how a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly.

Physics is the study of the natural world and how it behaves. It includes things like motion, energy, light and sound. Studying physics can help us understand how things move and how energy is transferred. For example, we can learn about how roller coasters work and what keeps them moving.

Chemistry is the study of matter, which is everything around us. It helps us understand the properties of materials, how they react with each other, and how they form new substances. For example, we can study how baking soda reacts with vinegar to create a fizzy eruption.

As we learn about science, we use different methods to gather information and test our ideas. These methods include observing, measuring, experimenting, and testing. We can use scientific knowledge to solve problems and make informed decisions.


While not all children will follow a career in science or related disciplines, science literacy will influence their lives daily: for example, in managing their health, and understanding issues such as climate change. The Science taught iat Cherry Tree Hill Primary School is therefore of vital importance both to individuals’ and nations’ well-being.

In short, science is a fascinating subject that helps us make sense of the world around us. It's a way of exploring, discovering, and understanding the way things work.

Our Intent For Science At Cherry Tree Hill Primary School 


At Cherry Tree Hill Primary School it is our aim that all children leave us with skills, knowledge and understanding for them to have a sense of awe and wonder about the world around them.


Through a wide range of purposeful, planned and structured learning opportunities children will acquire specific skills and subject knowledge to gain an understanding of scientific processes and an understanding of the purpose and implications of biology, chemistry and physics in every aspect of their daily life, stages of education and future life experiences.


Science in our school will harness the natural curiosity of children in the Early Years Foundation Stage, promote respect for living organisms and the natural environment and ensure that our children will acquire scientific knowledge, be able to retain what they know and recall what they’ve learnt in subsequent year groups while becoming more knowledgeable and independent learners as they move through the key stages.

Working Scientifically Skills


Working scientifically skills are embedded and explicitly taught in every science lesson to ensure children can recognise when they are using these skills during scientific investigations, and to guide the children through the scientific process of answering insightful questions about the world around them.


We use the following images to support the children to identify the different working scientifically skills.  More information can be found at the found Primary Science Teaching Trust website.

National Curriculum


Our Curriculum follows the National Curriculum in England 2014: Science Programmes of Study

More information can be found on the government website:

National curriculum in England: Science programmes of study

Recommended Books about Science

How To Support Your Child At Home With Their Science Learning


Science is a fascinating subject and we may leave your child thirsty to find out more about what they have learnt at school.  Here are a few helpful ideas of how to support your child a home. If you would like further support, please speak to your child's teacher.


You can ask your child to explain what they've learnt in school so that you can understand where they need your help. You can also ask them questions about what they've learnt, and encourage them to find out more about the topic using books or the internet. Use the Curriculum overview for your child's year group to find the Knowledge Organiser, the "What we are Learning" page, and some specific homework tasks.

Year 1-6 Curriculum Plans

One way of supporting your child's learning is by leading by example.

You can read more books and encourage your child to do the same. Have a look at our Recommended Books which are group by Science topic.

You can also take your child on science walks to help them explore nature and its surroundings. Bug hunts, tree identifiers, bird watching, observing changes in different seasons, and identifying different types of rocks are all activities which align with our curriculum and will support your child with thier understanding. Using apps like "Leaf Snap ", "Rock Identifier" and "Warblr" may help.


 Watch science shows together: Whether it's  watching nature documentaries with David Attenborough or Space shows with Professor Brian Cox, these informative shows may spark a love of Science in your child or increase their wealth of knowledge which they can apply in school and their later career.


But absolutely best of all would be to conduct simple science experiments at home! 
Using Science kits would be a great way to start, but there are hundreds of experiments you and your child can do using simple household materials. Please always supervise your child closely when they are doing this.


Youtube is another excellent resource for educational videos and especially for demonstrating practical science investigations at home. 

Some great channels are:

Peekaboo Kidz


BBC Teach

Fun Science

Remember, when helping your child learn, be patient and positive. Encourage your child to ask questions, even if you may not know the answers. You can always research the answers together.

Space Facts That Will Ignite Your Inner Astronaut

Space is full of wild surprises that can totally blow your mind! For starters, did you know there's a giant cloud of alcohol floating in space? Cheers to the universe! Then there's the fact that Venus spins the opposite way of most planets, making its day longer than its year-talk about taking your time.

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Cherry Tree Hill Primary School

Cherry Tree Hill Primary School

‘ Be Safe, Be Caring, Be a Learner ‘

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