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Cherry Tree Hill Primary School

Cherry Tree Hill Primary School

Be Safe, Be Caring, Be a Learner

Interactive Bar



Vacancies & Volunteering

School staffing Vacancies

There are currently no vacancies on our permanent Staffing Structure.


From time to time, however, we are able to recruit Relief Midday Supervisors to cover staff absences in the lunchtime team, through illness or sudden unavailability.  If this is something your circumstances will allow, please contact our Admin Team in the first instance and they will pass your enquiry onto the relevant member of staff



Odyssey Collaborative Trust Vacancies

Staffing vacancies across any of our Trust schools are advertised on the Odyssey Collaborative Trust website click here to see! 


Student Placements

Please send an email requesting a student placement, in the first instance, to The Admin Team will then pass this onto the relevant member of staff



Due to a high number of volunteers already helping in school, we are currently no longer able to offer volunteering opportunities.


Supply Teaching and Agency Work

We do not accept cold calls from supply agencies or individuals


Interested in working in Childcare?


Get In Touch

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Cherry Tree Hill Primary School

Cherry Tree Hill Primary School

‘ Be Safe, Be Caring, Be a Learner ‘

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