Sports Activities and Competitions!
14th January - Y6 Girls - PLPS U11 Football Cup - Achieve
15th January - Y2 - KS1 Sports Hall Athletics Festival - Inspire
16th January - KS2 Target Games - Plus
22nd January - Y5 - Invasion Games Mega Fest - Inspire
30th January - Y4 - All Stars Cricket Festival - Inspire
19th March - Y6 - #Thisgirlcan Festival - Inspire
27th March - Y1 - KS1 Fitness Festival - Inspire
2nd April - Reception - KS1 Fundamental Sports Festival - Inspire
4th April - Y5 - Tri Golf - Inspire
Despite the rain and frost, our Y5 and Y6 pupils have taken on the challenges that running round our leaf-strewn, undulating, squelchy (at times) grounds present. There is no doubt that excitement ripples through the classes prior to the races and all run, jog or walk with a smile on their faces. The determination on show and the support that all the children give each other is wonderful to see. Thank you to those, who assisted in starting the races and handing out the position numbers at the finish and not forgetting the excellent photographer - Mrs Millward!
RESULTS to come!
Since the start of September, many of our children have taken up the chance to try, enjoy and compete in various events run by Derby County Community Trust (DCCT). Our Y2 children attended a KS1 Fundamental Sports event, while our Y3 children tried an Invasion Games Mega Fest. In both cases, we took 30 of our younger children along. More recently, a small team of Y6's took part in a Dodgeball Festival. All three of these events are designed to 'Inspire' our children to enjoy and develop a love of sport.
Later this term, some of our Y4 children will be taking part in an Archery competition, as will our Y6 boys' football team, when they take up the challenge of the U11s EFL Football cup. Both are 'Achieve' events - with competition at the fore. Also, this term, thirty of our Y1 pupils will attend the KS1 Christmas Mega Fest event. Well done to all those children who have taken up these challenges and represented our school.

The end of the sporting year at Cherry Tree Hill is upon us. We've been busy yet again - a year full of new experiences, challenges, triumphs, teamwork, friendship and learning new skills.
We've entered more competitions and festivals than ever before! We became Boccia County Champions and our boys' football team won their 7-a-side league and also the 9-a-side cup, with a 3-0 victory in the final. Our girls' team also competed admirably - finishing joint 3rd this season - in their league. On the slideshow, are some images from our various endeavours - including our Y4 pupils taking part in the Mini Olympic Festival at Moorways.
With help from Cycle Derby, our Y5 and Y4 pupils are becoming confident cyclists - 80% of our Y5's have completed the 'Level 2' Bikeability challenges on the roads and 91% of our Y4's have completed the 'Level 1' Bikeability challenges on the playground. We've also set our Y1's off on this wheeling journey, with the Balanceability course.
House sports competitions have taken place this year, as in previous years - with one designed by our very own Sports Councillors - with different 'Throwing Events' for different year groups. 'Sports Week' which took place during the 24th to the 28th of June, also included a fundraising event, that raised £230 and congratulations should go to Kedleston and Hardwick teams for becoming joint champions on Sports Day! Well done, to all pupils for your fabulous efforts and super sporting spirit. During the same week, we hosted the annual Y6 (Odyssey Collaborative Trust) Athletics competition - consisting of sprint races, javelin throws, shot put, speed bounce, standing long jump and distance races. Our Y6 team, once again finished in a highly commendable 2nd place - 2 years in a row now! Congratulations to the team from Portway, for their winning endeavours.

And for the 6th year in a row, Premier Education have supported us with providing our annual 'Taster Sports' sessions - which finished recently - with our Y6's learning how to fence. Just in time for the Paris Olympics! Some of our Y6's also enjoyed a morning of Archery Tag, Nerf Wars and shooting at the giant dartboard! Listed below, are the sporting activities that each year group has enjoyed as a new challenge this year.

Y6 Fencing - Thursday, 11th July
Y4 Archery - Friday 24th May
Y1 Boccia - Friday 7th June
Y3 Goalball - Friday 14th June
Y2 Tri-Golf - Friday 21st June
Y5 Volleyball - Friday 28th June
During the summer term, we will be taking groups of children to the following events. These ACHIEVE, INSPIRE and PLUS events are organised by Derby County Community Trust.
Tri Primary Golf (KS2) - 28th April
KS1 Shooting Stars (Y1) - 30th April
Y3/4 Mini Olympic Festival (Y4) - 8th May
Y5/6 Girls Dynamo Cricket (Y5/6) - 16th May
Primary Track and Field (Y5/6) - 27th June
Y5/6 Rounders (Y6) - 28th June
Y3/4 Women's Euros Football Festival (Y3) - 3rd July
Y5/6 Women's Euros Football Festival (Y5) - 12th July
Children attending these events will receive letters from school, with all the information about the event.
School Council recently decided that 500 points should be awarded for 1st place, 400 for 2nd place, 300 for 3rd place and 200 for 4th place. This year, Chatsworth took the title with a grand total of 3000 points, with Kedleston in 2nd with 2900 points, Haddon in 3rd with 2700 points and Hardwick in 4th with 2600 points. Well done all for racing well and taking part.
Y3 Girls - 1st Chatsworth, 2nd Kedleston, 3rd Haddon, 4th Hardwick.
Y3 Boys - 1st Kedleston, 2nd Chatsworth, 3rd Haddon, 4th Hardwick.
Y4 Girls - 1st Chatsworth, 2nd Hardwick, 3rd Haddon, 4th Kedleston.
Y4 Boys - 1st Kedleston, 2nd Hardwick, 3rd Haddon, 4th Chatsworth.
Y5 Girls - 1st Haddon, 2nd Kedleston, 3rd Chatsworth, 4th Hardwick.
Y5 Boys - 1st Haddon, 2nd Chatsworth, 3rd Kedleston, 4th Hardwick.
Y6 Girls - 1st Hardwick, 2nd Chatsworth, 3rd Haddon, 4th Kedleston.
Y6 Boys - 1st Hardwick, 2nd Kedleston, 3rd Chatsworth, 4th Haddon.
During the Spring terms, we will be taking groups of children to the following festivals and competitions. These ACHIEVE, INSPIRE and PLUS events are organised by Derby County Community Trust:
All-Star Cricket (Y3) - 30th January
Mega Fest - Alternative Sports (Y5) - 31st January
Sports Hall Athletics (Y6) - 6th February
Sports Hall Athletics (KS1) - 14th February
Mini Basketball (Y5/6) - 15th February
Bee Netball (Y5/6) - 6th March
RISE Gymnastics (Y5/6) - 21st March
Children attending these events will receive letters from school, with all the information about the event.
Sports Reports - written by Logan, Jasmine and Joshua (Y6)
Cyclo-Cross Competition
On the 16th November, 3 boys and 3 girls from Year 6 took part in the Cyclo-Cross competition at Moorways. Rory and Jasmine commented that, 'It was great and cool and people fell on the mud.' They also said, 'It was challenging and there was a hill (which was the most challenging part of the race). They went up against other schools and Roe Farm Primary School won the competition and Cherry Tree Hill Primary School got last place.
Invasion Games
On the 15th November, some Year 3 pupils went to the Derby Tennis Centre between 12.30-14.30 on a Wednesday and they had a great time. Ruby from Cheetahs said, 'It was amazing!" They played a few rounds of games such as: rugby, hockey and football. They played against other schools and it was really fun.
November hosted the first meeting of our new Sports Council for 2023-24. Work is under way to get the first newsletter of the year published and the council has already made decisions about a fitness reward for the 'most improved' classes by next summer. At the next meeting, they will be listening to ideas from all the KS2 classes, to do with: House Sports Competitions, After-School Clubs and fundraising ideas. All councillors will then report back to their classes with news and further ideas to discuss.
A big thank you to Liam, who has been with us this term from Premier Education. Lunchtimes on playground 3 and 4 have enjoyed an extra physical boost, with many children (between 30-50 each week) getting involved with a Dodgeball activity run by Liam. During each afternoon, our Year 3 and 4 children have enjoyed a Tchoukball lesson this term - introducing them to another new sport and then after-school, some of our Y4/5/6 pupils have continued their physical activity by attending a Dodgeball club. Thank you Liam, for all your hard work.
Welcome back everyone, to a new sporting year at Cherry Tree Hill. Already this term, coaches from Premier Education have been in to help organise and run our 'Fitness Tests'. Our pupils from Y1 up to Y6 take on the challenge of running continuously for 3-4 minutes and these will take place again in the summer. Keep active everyone and put lots of effort into your P.E. lessons, as well as being busy and energetic in your break times too! Our new Y6 Mini-Leaders have already started their roles and you will see them on your playgrounds, wearing their smart new bibs!
During this term, we will be entering the following competitions and events run by Derby County Community Trust:
KS1 Fundamentals (Y1/2) - 17th October
KS2 Individual Cross-Country races - 18th October
Mega Fest Invasion Games (Y3) - 15th November
Y5/6 Cycle Cross - 16th November
KS2 Boccia - 21st November
Dodgeball (Y4) - 29th November
Dodgeball (Y5/6) - 29th November
EFL U11s Football Cup - 6th December
Autumn term 2 will also see Cycle Derby coming back into school to work with some of our Y5's on the 'Level 1 Bikeability' course.
For information on PE and Sport Premium please head to this page:
The sporting year, at Cherry Tree Hill, is drawing to a close and yet again it has finished on a high. Despite valiant efforts by all the other houses on Sports Day, Hardwick have once more wrapped their yellow ribbons around the 'Heath Cup'. Congratulations to Hardwick. It was fabulous to see the determination and enjoyment in all the events, especially the distance races, 3-legged races, hurdles in Reception and of course the world famous 'Push-Chair' race in Nursery!
Our Y6 boys and girls were also involved in other events during our sports week. On the 29th, about 30 of our Y6's competed in the now annual - Odyssey Trust Athletics competition, held this year at Springfield Primary School. With some outstanding performances in the Shot Put - a 1st and 2nd place by Jaxon and Harry and in the Speed Bounce - a 1st place by Megan and a 2nd in the Sprint by Jack - our team were pipped to first place overall. An excellent effort and well deserved 2nd place by our team and a big congratulations to Portway School.
Following this, on the Friday (30th), our very successful girls' football team - headed to another tournament - this time a Soccerstars event held at Moor Farm Training Centre. After another afternoon of super skill and matches, our team were narrowly beaten in the final but finished a very respectable second and Niamh was voted, 'Player of the Tournament'. What a season you've had girls, 2nd in the Derby and District League too!

Monday 26th June is set for Sports Day at Cherry Tree Hill! Morning events for Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6 will begin at about 9.15 a.m. and should be concluded by 12.00 noon. These will be followed by our Nursery and Reception events - from 12.45 to 1.45 p.m. and we will finish the day with Y1 and Y2 races from 1.45 to 3.00 p.m. The final event of the day will be the announcement of the winning 'House Team'. Good luck to every team! Do your best, be bold and have fun.
Our 'Sports Week' will continue with a carousel of sports, on the Tuesday and Wednesday, with year groups paired up to experience six different sporting activities and games during the two days.
Thursday and Friday, will see our sporting week end with a house competition in KS2. The competition will be a mix of Tri-Golf and Bean-Bag Golf! Also, during these 2 days, a team of Y6 athletes will be going to Springfield Primary School to take part in an Odyssey Collaborative Trust, Y6 athletics competition and our Y6 girls football team will also be in action at Moor Farm Training Centre. Good luck to both teams!
LATEST NEWS - SUMMER TERM - Competitions & Bikeability
This term, we have entered the following competitions run by Derby County Community Trust. Well done to all the children who have competed and participated - your teachers were very proud of you and pleased to accompany you to these events. Thank you for representing our school so brilliantly.
5th July - Year 4 Girls - Women's World Cup Football @Moorways
8th June - Year 5/6 Girls - Dynamo Cricket @Derby High School
7th June - Year 3/4 - Mega Fest - @Moorways
24th May - Year 5 Boys - Dynamo Cricket @Derby High School
4th May - Year 5/6 Girls - Netball Bee @Derby High School
20th April - Year 2 - All-Stars Cricket @Willows Sports Centre
BIKEABILITY with Cycle Derby - Well done to all our Year 4's, who have taken on the challenge of Bikeability (Level 1) and to all our Year 1's who have been setting out on their cycling journeys this term!
Since May, our children have been involved in our annual 'Taster Sports Sessions' run by a Premier Education coach. Each year, every year group from Year 1 up to Year 6, gets to try a new sports activity. As the children move through the school at Cherry Tree Hill, they experience a different one each year! Here's the list of sports that have been on offer:
23rd June - Y1 Boccia
16th June - Y2 Tri-Golf
9th June - Y6 Fencing
26th May - Y4 Archery
19th May - Y5 Volleyball
12th May - Y3 Goalball
LATEST NEWS - SPRING TERM - Cross-Country, Bikeability & Sportshall Athletics
Well done to all our year 3, 4, 5 and 6 pupils who raced and participated in our house cross-country competitions that took place during the last week of term before the February holiday. Chatsworth proved to be very strong in Y3 and Y4, whereas the closest race and scoring was in the Y5 girls' race. Only 5 points separated the first three houses! However, with their teams never being out of the top 3 places, Hardwick are crowned this year's cross-country champions! The results of the races and house positions can be found in our results file, further down this page.
SUPER CYCLING - Most of our Y5 and Y6 pupils, have now completed a learn to ride or level 1 Bikeability course with our colleagues at Cycle Derby. The next step for some of our pupils will be the level 2 course - which develops their skills and proficiency on the roads around our school. This will take place in April and May.
And finally, a big well done to our Y6's and Y4's who took part in the DCCT Sportshall Athletics competitions at Derby Arena on the 8th and 15th of February. Our Y6's finished a respectable 6th out of nine teams in the afternoon event. Thank you to all the staff who have supported our children at these events.
Y6 Girls and Boys - Football Leagues
Both our girls' and boys' football teams began their respective league matches last term with contrasting fortunes. During each match fixture, two games are played with 2 results counting towards points and position in the league table. The girls began with 4 wins out of 4 - very much in the style of the Lionesses and currently sit top of their Diamond League. Despite a loss in both first games of both fixtures, only narrowly, the boys rallied with great effort to draw both their second games. Thank you to Mr Strachan, Miss Barnes and Mr Lloyd-Jones for all their training, support and organisation of both teams. Both teams train and practice with many other Year 6's on Wednesday lunchtime (Girls) and Friday lunchtime (Boys). Go Cherry Tree Hill!
Competitions in 2023
Derby County Community Trust
Throughout the year, we endeavour to provide opportunities in various sports and physical activities for our children - sometimes competitively, sometimes for fun or for the challenge and sometimes simply to participate and experience something new. The events listed below are those we have booked onto for the Spring term. Letters will be sent out to the groups of pupils nearer the time of the event.
12th January - EFL BOYS FOOTBALL CUP - Y6 pupils
25th January - PLPS GIRLS FOOTBALL CUP - Y6 pupils
8th February - Y5/6 SPORTSHALL ATHLETICS - Y6 pupils
15th February - Y3/4 SPORTSHALL ATHLETICS - Y4 pupils
3rd March - KS1 FUNDAMENTALS - Y2 pupils
9th March - CELEBRATION OF DANCE - Y4 pupils
22nd March - #THIS GIRL CAN FESTIVAL - Y5/6 pupils
23rd March - Y5/6 GYMNASTICS - Y5/6 pupils
29th March - Y3/4 ALTERNATIVE SPORTS MEGAFEST - Y3 pupils
Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Handball | Cross-Country | Football/Rugby | Rounders | Beanbag/Tri-Golf |
A second year of our girls' year 6 netball club, every Monday at 3.30 to 4.30, is about to begin! This is a fun, after-school activity encouraging fitness, netball skills, teamwork and fun. Last year was a great success, with a regular crew of 15 girls joining in each week. We participated in the Derby County Community Trust tournament (Y5/6 Netball Bee) at Derby High School in Mickleover, towards the end of the year, which was a great experience for our girls. This year, we hope to join a local league allowing us to participate in more matches against other local schools, alongside the DCCT tournament. A big thanks to Mrs Burton and Mrs Ollerenshaw for their time and effort in setting up this club last year and taking it forward again this year. They will be joined by Miss Barnes and her netball expertise in running the club and team. Go Girls!
Already this year, our children have challenged themselves in the fitness tests that have been run by Derby County Community Trust. Our Year 6 football team, has re-entered the Derby and District School's 7-a-side football competition and started with 3 wins and 1 draw. The Year 6, 'Friday Football' seems to have been drawing in more children to participate each week, thanks to the efforts of Mr Jones and Mr Strachan, whose coaching has clearly been evident in the team's performances. Cycle Derby, have also visited our Year 3 children this term and they will be back again to help our Y1 children to develop their balance skills and the Y3 children to ride their bikes.
After half-term, a Y6 netball club will be launched and our yearly calendar of 'House Sports' competitions will be kicked off with some Cross Country races! See below for the other competitions that we will be holding at school during this academic year.
Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Cross Country | Tag Rugby | Handball/Netball | Rounders | Athletics & Golf |
Report by Harrison and Oscar (Y6)
On Wednesday 12th of January 2022, Cherry Tree Hill Primary School took part in the EFL Utilita Kids Football Cup at Powerleague in Derby. The winner of the whole tournament represents Derby in a national tournament.
The first game was against Mickleover (the hardest team in the group). We went on and beat them 4-0, which got the team pumped up for the rest of the tournament. After finishing the group, we ended up winning 5 games, 1 draw and lost 0, which put us top of the group to send us to the final 6.
After 4 intense games, we had a total of 10 points but we had 1 game left against Pennine Way Junior Academy. We ended up winning the game, which put us in first place to send us through to the finals on Friday 21st of January. Being the best team in the tournament meant a lot to the team.
Here are some quotes from the players:
- Harrison: That tournament was so intense!
- Braedon (captain): We were by far the best team!
- Oscar: The passion was so intense!
- Joey: That was EPIC!
- Alex: It was hard but we kept pushing.
- Daniel: We did amazing.
- Logan: The team put a shift in.
- Michael: The lads did well.
Report by Logan and James (Y6)
The race was stationed around the fields up past the upper buildings and its track was very similar to the one km Cherry Tree walk. Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6 all took part in the event. Chatsworth house took the overall win in the KS2 races, with a clear lead and earned themselves 210 house points. However, the battle for 2nd, 3rd and 4th was very close with only 10 house points separating the other three houses.
In Y6, the girls went first: In Year 6, Violet came in 1st place, Teigan 2nd and Felicity 3rd. Then it was the boys: Braedon came 1st, Daniel 2nd and Joey 3rd. Everyone did a great job and tried really hard. It was fun to see everyone putting in the effort and supporting. Even if children stopped, others were encouraging them to carry on to the finish line. It didn’t matter where you placed, you just enjoyed it.
Special mention should also go to the Y4 Hardwick boys’ team and the Y6 Chatsworth girls’ team who both scored a combined runner total of below 80!
Personally, I felt happy about how it went. Some people slipped over and people laughed and those that slipped over, just laughed too. Holly said, ‘I was nervous at first but after a while I thought that it was fun.’ Tobiasz commented, ‘It was exciting and tiring but I didn’t stop trying until the finish. Hopefully, we’ll do more stuff like this again. A big well done to all the children who completed the challenge in a wet and cool November week.

Monday 28th June kicked off our Sports Week at Cherry Tree Hill Primary School!
Our Sports Day itself (now due to take place on Wednesday, 21st July) will involve sprint, obstacle, relay and distance races. This year, year groups will be competing with the support from spectators from another year group. The top 3 racers will earn points for their house. Point totals will be added up throughout the day and the overall winner will be announced before the day ends.
The sporty week continued with 2 days of a carousel of sports where each class was involved in 6 different sporting activities. These included: Basketball, Boules, Curling, Dodgeball, Egg and Spoon races, Football, Goalball, Handball, Hockey, Rounders, Rugby, Tennis and some Sack races! For the remainder of the week teachers and children had fitness fun, making up their own timetable which included dancing with Jump Start Jonny or walking our NEW 1km Cherry Tree Trail!
Click on the links below to see the results of our House Competitions.