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Cherry Tree Hill Primary School

Cherry Tree Hill Primary School

Be Safe, Be Caring, Be a Learner

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Writing & Grammar





We aim to develop an enthusiasm for English in all forms and the confidence to express themselves both orally and through the written word. By developing a comprehensive range of grammar and writing skills, we aim to foster a love and appreciation of a variety of literature. These skills will enable the children to access all aspects of the curriculum.



We intend to take children on a writing journey where pupils build their knowledge of genres through varied opportunities to unpick the way author’s write for a purpose. We will ensure that all of our pupils can communicate ideas and emotions effectively through writing, speaking and listening. We will equip children with the fundamental tools such as; understanding sentence composition, linguistic features and the structural composition of a range of genres. Children will be given many opportunities to write for a range of purposes and audiences and learn to present or publish these in variety of ways.



In line with the National Curriculum English Programme of Study, we teach children to understand a range of genres, building on children’s understanding year after year, ensuring continuity and progression in the teaching of English. Children are taught how to effectively plan and monitor their own writing through various strategies depending on the current skills of the writer, children will learn how, when, and why to use each strategy. We teach children to write following a three phase approach: Familiarise, Innovate and Create. Familiarising allows the children to engage with their genre and discover facts about the topic or structure. Innovating is where the children begin to rehearse ideas through short, focussed activities: experiment, choose, practise and play with the language features and begin to plan. Specific grammar activities are taught within the innovating phase. Finally, children begin to draft, edit review and create their genre outcome. Purpose and audience are central to our writing and an integral part of the writing planning process.

We use four main types of writing purposes across KS1 and KS2: writing to entertain; to inform; to persuade; and to discuss.




We want to provide our children with a clear purpose and audience for writing. We use Grammarsaurus Model Texts at the start of each unit of writing to provide a relevant stimulus and allow opportunities to identify key genre features and year group specific grammar, in line with the National Curriculum . We encourage, where possible for a thematic approach, linking to the topic. This means that the children are equipped with the skills and tools needed to write fluently for a range of meaningful purposes throughout the years. The approach throughout a unit allows the children to become familiar with a text type, capturing ideas for their own writing followed by scaffolding writing experiences, resulting in independent writing outcomes.






Have a look below for some tips on how to encourage and support writing at home:


Provide a place/ resources for your child to write

Let your child know where they can access writing material- this could be as simple as a notebook and a pencil! If your child knows where this is then they can access at any time!

Read, read, read

The best activity to improve writing is reading. If your child reads good books, he will be a better writer. Reading exposes students to general vocabulary, word study and content-specific vocabulary. Through reading, your child will see a variety of authors’ techniques that they can use in their own writing.

Encourage your child to keep a diary

Encourage your child to write about things that happen at home and school. This is also a great way for children to identify their feelings in response to their experiences. You can encourage your child to write about what things they saw, heard or felt on a trip or adventure.

Provide writing opportunities for your child

Encourage your child to write their own thank-you notes, party invitations and letters to family, let your child make the grocery list, finding a pen pal for your child would make writing “real.” Helping children make the connection between writing and the “real” world will increase an interest in writing.

Be a writing role model

Make sure your child sees you as a writer. Point out times that you use writing to communicate with others!

Start a vocabulary notebook

Teach your child new words each week and encourage to use them. Make it into a game and give points for using the new words. Your child can keep a vocabulary notebook and get rewarded for the number of new words used. The words will begin to appear like magic in oral language and writing.

Ask questions

Always ask your child questions when they writes. Ask specific questions about your child’s writing such as: “How did that happen?” “How did that make you feel?” “Can you tell me more about that…?” “What are some other words you could use to describe…?”

Help your child publish their writing

Share the writing with others, stick it on the fridge or encourage your child to write for competitions in a child’s magazine.


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Cherry Tree Hill Primary School

Cherry Tree Hill Primary School

‘ Be Safe, Be Caring, Be a Learner ‘

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